Ociators and Indicators Summary
Ociators and Indicators Summary
Ociators and Indicators Summary
The million dollar question.
How can we decide what kind of indicators to use? Do we use delayed indicators or indicators or both? After all we know that they do not always work well together.
This is probably one of the biggest challenges of Technical Analysis and why we call it the million dollar question.
The answer of the million dollars, we will know in next lessons of our course of Forex.
For now, you only have to know that once you are able to identify the type of market in which you are operating, you will know that delayed oscillators or indicators will give the right signals, and which are less useful at certain times.
This is not easy, but it is a skill that will slowly develop as your Forex experience increases.
NOTE: This article is not an investment advice. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational and based on external analysis and we do not warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future.
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